OGame Wiki

Tips for making your own Alliance[]

Here are a few tips to forming an alliance that grows and people want to join.

Alliance name[]

The name of your alliance is important. Keeping your alliance name simple and somewhat mysterious and striking will at least lure players into looking at your description. If your alliance name is something like "The Dominoes" or "The Poison Stereos", people are highly unlikely to join.

Alliance tag[]

Your alliance tag is almost more important than your alliance name for the simple reason that your alliance tag is used more frequently than your alliance name. The alliance tag has a severe lack of letter space, so if your alliance name is relatively long, you won't be able to put that exact name into the alliance tag area. A suggestion or two is to make the alliance tag very similar in meaning to the alliance name (for example "The Commonwealth" could have an alliance tag of UNITY).

Who to ask to join your alliance[]

Invite random people to join your alliance with any amount of points or level. If a players can see that the alliance is active and that the members support one another, they are more likely to join. If you start off with a core group of players that you prearranged with before starting the alliance, it will give it a good start. No one wants to join an alliance with just a few members or only new players.

Alliance ranks[]

Ranks are something that you can completely decide yourself, but a few tips:

1) Creating a rank and placing it at the highest rank value and naming it "Founder" for yourself is always a good idea.

2) Do not make lower ranked members inferior to higher-ranked members in such a way that there is tension and perhaps even conflict between the two.

3) Be extremely strict when it comes to a member raiding another fellow member, as this will help enforce strict conduct within the alliance.

4) Do not brag openly about your power or try to control everyone by the strings, as (if by some miracle he/she was there anyway) a stronger member may raid you and succeed, forecasting a series of rebellions and attacks onto you by your members.

5) Remember, if you enforce tip 3, people will be more likely to not quit out of fear that if they do the members of your alliance will cast their revenge on them for leaving, but beware; if someone does leave, your members are not happy or are just too bored with the alliance, and you do nothing or very little about it, more people will quit and your alliance will crumble to ashes.

6) Make a rank almost as powerful as yours with the Right Hand right and give the title to a trusted, loyal, and/or best school friend, or very trusted alliance member. This will ensure a commander that will take your place if you are ever on vacation, inactive, or just can't be bothered to do anything with the alliance.

7) Make a few but not too many ranks that grant new privileges with every promotion.

8) Set up a sort of governing system, like a caste ranking system or a pillar system with columns of different amounts of power.
